「常に楽しみながら演奏することがとても大切です」演奏家インタビュー:バスティアン・ボーメ氏(ユーフォニアム奏者、Bastien Baumet, Euphonium)

[English is below Japanese]



バスティアン・ボーメ ユーフォニアムリサイタル2023


1. まず簡単にあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、プロのユーフォニアム奏者としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?



私は17歳でパリ国立高等音楽院に入学し、すぐにパリ・ピースキーパー管弦楽団(Paris Peacekeepers Orchestra)に入団しました(現在のポジション)。




2. これからユーフォニアムを始めたいと考えている人や、演奏を始めたばかりの人に向けて、ユーフォニアムにどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?



3. 練習や演奏をする際、特に注意していることや心がけていること、あるいはあなた独自のルールはありますか?




4. 演奏家として人生のターニングポイントとなったエピソードがあれば、それについて教えて下さい。




5. ご自身の演奏に強く影響を受けた他の演奏家がいれば、彼らからどのような影響を受けたのか教えて下さい。(クラシックでなくても構いません)




6. 将来の目標(またはこれから新たに取り組みたいこと)について教えてください。





7. 最後に、アマチュア奏者の方や愛好家の方に向けて今一番伝えたいメッセージをお願いします。






取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)


Interview with Bastien Baumet, Euphonium1. Would you start by briefly telling me about your background, where and how you grew up, and how you got started as a professional Euphonium player?

I am Bastien BAUMET, I have been playing the euphonium since I was 9 years old.
I started music in a band from the South of France in which my parents also played. They are the ones who passed this passion on to me from a very young age.
Meeting my teacher at the Nimes conservatory at the age of 11 was the trigger for the desire to be a professional musician, to make it my career. I then obtained the diploma at 14 years old.

At 14, I met my second teacher at the Villeurbanne conservatory, which was a very important step in my life as a musician. I had a special relationship with him thanks to the connections he had with my first teacher. And I discovered a class made up of very great students: which helped me progress enormously.

I joined the Paris CNSM at the age of 17 and quite quickly joined the Paris Peacekeepers Orchestra (position that I hold today).

Since then I have recorded several records with the desire to in turn become one of the references for future generations as I was able to experience it myself. With always the desire and the need to meet composers and through creations, to develop the repertoire of our instrument.

Since 2011, I have been teaching at the 13th Conservatory and for 6 years, I have also been a professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et Danse de Lyon (CNSMDL).


2. Would you tell me what you find attractive about the Euphonium, for those who want to start playing Euphonium or those who have just started playing?

I immediately liked the sound of the euphonium. This charming, velvety sound captivates me and transmits a lot of emotions to me.
It’s a bit like the cello of brass instruments.
On the other hand, the euphonium is a very virtuoso instrument.
With its very wide range, you can really do anything with a euphonium.


3. When practicing or performing, are there any rules that you pay special attention to, keep in mind, or that are unique to you?

Firstly, I have always made attention and still pay attention every day to the quality of sound. For me the sound must always be very beautiful, the sentences fluid and above all without forcing.
I make particular attention to the emotions that I wish to convey to the audience. It’s very important for me to reach the people who listen to me.
Thinking about what characters I want to give to the piece or what emotions I want to convey is constant in my daily work.

It is a combination of mastery of the instrument (quality of sound and good technique) with interpretation and emotions adapted to the piece.


4. Would you tell me about any episodes that were turning points in your life as a player?

The first turning point in my life as a musician was when I was 15. I went to study at the Villeurbanne conservatory (near Lyon). Given that I come from a village in the south of France, Lyon was a huge city for me, 200km from my parents.
I lived alone at 15 in 6m2. It was very hard for me, I cried every day at the beginning… but the desire to be a professional musician and the desire to succeed motivated me. I didn’t want to give up… I had to go through this to achieve my dream.

The second turning point was in 2008 when I won the Jeju International Competition in South Korea, one of the most prestigious competitions for the instrument, and this event completely changed my life. Having won several orchestra competitions and international competitions opened many doors for me. I was able to work with French orchestras to play the symphonic repertoire and an instrument manufacturer contacted me to represent the brand. So I became a Besson artist.
I was then able to develop my network and start playing as a soloist in France and also abroad. Since then, I have been regularly invited to national and international festivals, and invited to international competition juries.


5. If there are other players who have strongly influenced your playing, would you tell me how they have influenced you? (It does not have to be classical music)

I listened to a lot of euphonium records when I was young, most of them by Steven Mead. It was a very important discovery for me since he became my model. The desire to follow his example: he traveled the world to promote a little-known instrument. I immediately had the dream of making a living from the euphonium, of being able to perform as a soloist all over the world and of promoting this instrument so that it would be known in the same way as the trumpet, for example.

I greatly admired (and continue to admire) Maurice Andre who, for me, is the greatest trumpeter of all time. He’s from my region too.


6. Would you tell me about your future goals (or new initiatives you would like to undertake in the future).

My fight is to make the euphonium known in the same way as other brass instruments. In some countries, the euphonium is still little known. One of my goals is to continue traveling around the world to promote the instrument and the French school.
I have the desire and the need to meet new composers and through creations, to develop the repertoire of our instrument. I will continue to record records every year.

I have a big dream: to play the euphonium as a soloist with a symphony orchestra. Today this only happens very rarely and I would like to take our instrument there.

Finally, I am working in collaboration with my sponsor on a new instrument. I am constantly thinking about developing the euphonium and why not revolutionizing the instrument.


7. Finally, what is the most important message you would like to give to amateur players and fans?

Music is above all a passion before being a profession.
It is very important to always have fun and enjoy playing.

Of course, for those who wish to make it their profession, you must be regular and organized in your work.

thank you for following me in large numbers and I thank all the Japanese public for the welcome every time I come here. it’s incredible and it’s one of the best welcomes I’ve received in the world.


Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


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